Tuesday 26 February 2013

Book/DVD swap in DUSSAC

Book and DVD Swap

Bring along some books or DVD’s you might like to exchange and have a coffee with other Nedwa members at Paula’s house in Dussac on Thursday 14th March at 10.30am.

Attendance 2 euros.

If you have no books or dvds to bring and would like to purchase used books and dvds there will be a small charge of 1 euro per book and 2 euros per dvd. Funds will go to our Nedwa charity. Swapping like for like is free, please write your name in the book or dvd case and mark with a cross if you want them returned to you after use. No cross means they will not be returned!

Please let Shirley know if you are attending by  10th March and if you need directions to Paula’s house.