Tuesday 1 January 2013

January Lunch - Janvier Repas

Happy New Year to you all from the NEDWA Committee!

Our first lunch of the year will take place at a new NEDWA venue - Hotel de France - in St Orse. 

We have a splendid full 5 courses, plus wine and coffee for the amazing price of 13.50€ (15.50€ for guests) which represents great value!

Please remember to book before 18 Januaryand let me know if you have special dietary requirements so I can discuss these with the restaurant well in advance. Please also send your payment to Angela McSherry by the same date, as this ensures that Angela has the chance to enjoy a relaxing lunch, too, without having to collect in money.

If you are unable to make the lunch due to problems or you are ill on the day, please call or text any of the committee in the morning; however, we cannot guarantee that the restaurant will not charge for cancellations after our final numbers have been submitted and you may forfeit your payment.

Kind regards and Bonne Année!


Tuesday 22 January at 12 noon for 12h30
Mardi 22 janvier 12, début de repas à 12h30

Hotel de France, 24210 St Orse

€13.50 (treize euros cinquante cents) for members (adhérantes) 
€15.50 (quinze euros cinquante cents) for guests (invitées)
Carrotte rapée, charcuterie
Poulet roti, purée
Plateau du fromage
¼ vin et café compris
Vegetarians and special diets – please make request when booking
Veuillez nous indiquer chaque mois si vous avez des exigences ou contraintes alimentaires.

Bookings by email to nedwa24@gmail.com or telephone Paulette Peterson
Réservations par email à nedwa24@gmail.com ou par téléphone

Last bookings by 18 January please and cheques to be sent also by 18 January to Angela McSherry.
Réservation et paiement au plus tard le 18 janvier svp